  • 终于领会口语不好怎么练雅思口语







    怎样能讲出更多的信息,怎样使你的表达听起来更专业,更地道,更符合西方*的文化习惯。我们的建议是从听力材料中借力。听力材料是一系列校园/社会 /科普场景话题的组合,其中包括大量的实况Interview。在作听力练习的时候,完全可以从听力中疯狂吸收口语部分所需的语言套路,文化背景套路,加之以演练,你的口语听起来就会显得洋味十足,而非自己死记硬背临时编造出来的中式英文,为口语高分赢得十足的把握。  




    Describe a creative person, such as an artist or musician, who has influenced you.  

    You should say:  

    who this person is  

    how he/ she is creative  

    how you know him /her  

    and explain why you admire this person.


    The American songwriter, artist, writer and singer, Bob Dylan, whose original name is Robert Allen Zimmerman is a very creative person I know about. I also admire for his creative songwriting and noteworthy songs. He is, in fact, one of the most influential songwriters and singers of all time and I respect him greatly.  

    He was born in 1941 in the USA and due to his remarkable contributions to literature, he was awarded the Nobel Prize recently. The Nobel Prize for literature is awarded both for lasting literary merit and for evidence of consistent idealism to a great extent. Dylan's songs have such creativity, consistent idealism and universal appeal and without any doubt, he is a very talented and creative person.  

    He is such a powerful and influential singer that his song like 'The times they are a-changing' and 'Blowing in the wind' became anthems for the American civil rights and anti-war movements.  

    His creative and dazzling lyrics incorporate a vast range of social, political, psychological, philosophical, and literary influences. As a musician, he has sold more than 10 million records. Besides, he is also a talented painter.  

    I knew him first when I heard his song 'Slow Train' from his album 'Slow Train Coming' in my early college days. I have explored his music and heard most of the songs sung by him. I have also read several articles online about him and his works. I know him as a revered songwriter and he is one of my favourite singers of all time.  

    I admire him mostly because of his talent and outstanding contribution to the music, lyrics, and literary works through his songwriting. There were times when his music personally inspired me, motivated me and helped me forget my pain. I have never met him in person but he seems like someone I know for a long and very closely. I respect him as a great musician, admire him as a songwriter and consider him one of the greatest minds of the present era.  


    Describe an article you read from internet or magazines about healthy life  

    You should say:  

    what the article was about  

    where you read it (which magazine or website)  

    and explain what you learned/thought from the article  


    Recently I came across an interesting article on the internet about the benefits of drinkingwarm water with lemon in the morning. The website name is .  

    You would normally think that lemon water is just one kind of drink that helps keep your body hydrated, however, it brings you many other benefits that you can?t imagine. – The article says that if you build up a habit of kicking off your day with a glass of warm waterwith the juice of half a lemon, you will do your body and mind a great favor.